Demolition on Chattanoogas North Shore Reveals Historic Ads
Demolition on Chattanooga’ s North Shore Reveals Historic Ads
Construction workers demolishing a building uncovered one-of-a-kind art work on Wednesday. Crews have been working to construct a new building on Chattanooga’s North Shore. They had to tear down the building that was there, and in the process, they unveiled a piece of Chattanooga’s history: a wall of old advertisements. The building that was just torn down wasn’t built until 1952 so the wall was painted sometime in that period. He says sign painting is a lost art and he can’t believe how many people have been flocking to the building to catch a glimpse. “It’s just such an incredible opportunity to see something captured from the past. They’re beautiful and they’re handmade and I’m sure they’re hand-painted and just the prices on the wall there,” said Townsend. “A grilled cheese is like 20 cents!”
Read entire article here: http://newschannel9.com/news/local/demolition-on-north-shore-reveals-historic-ads