Safety in Scrap
Safety in Scrap
At the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries safety is a core value and it is a message that we want everyone to hear. It consists mainly of representatives from companies who do business with the scrap recycling industry as well as those from individual scrap recycling companies. Among them are ways to enhance the ISRI national convention experience, develop guidelines for exhibitor etiquette, and find opportunities to increase safety awareness and to share safety advancements with the ISRI membership at large. ISRI is looking at many ways to get the safety awareness and advancement message out to the membership and to the scrap recycling industry at-large. Twice per year ISRI sponsors the ISEC meeting. ISEC sees industry professionals from the environmental, safety, operations and maintenance disciplines join together to discuss the most relevant and timely issues affecting the industry.
Read entire article here: http://www.recyclingproductnews.com/article/22949/safety-in-scrap