Picture of the front gates at Battle Acre Park before the restoration began in April 2014. The two outside gates were taken. The two larger gates in the center were left behind.

Police were called to the park around noon Tuesday for a report of a theft. The project manager for restoration of the park told police that the two gates for the park entrance were inside the property on June 25 — which was the last time he was at the park. A contractor discovered the gates missing on Monday.

Officers have provided local scrap metal firms with a photo of the gates and asked them to notify police if the gates are found.
Battle Acre Monument Park is one of Dundalk’s War of 1812 sites that was a big part of American history. The gates are 100 years old. Volunteers said it’s a special piece of history on their corner. The thieves only took the smaller pedestrian gates and not the larger gates.

Battle Acre Park is part of the field on which the Battle of Northpoint was fought in 1814. This was the day before the Battle of Baltimore during which the Star Spangled Banner was written. The land was deeded to the State of Maryland in 1839. The fences and gates were added in 1914.

Read entire article: http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2014/07/02/historic-gates-stolen-from-battle-acre-monument-park-in-north-point/