Moley, Bartlett, Koyo collaborate using mobile training vehicle.

How do you take product “mobility” to the next level? Most would think speed, efficiency, and diversification—all good answers—but how about training? Moley Magnetics, Inc. can vouch, as they got to participate in mobile training firsthand on Wednesday, when Koyo USA, in conjunction with Bartlett Bearing, brought its training program to Moley’s Lockport, NY facility.

This combination of a mobile product demonstrator and a hands-on training vehicle, along with three very knowledgeable instructors, spent the morning with Moley Magnetics’ repair shop personnel. The training vehicle (pictured below) is conveniently organized and stocked with tools, new bearings, and examples of failed bearings with explanations of how and why they failed. In addition, various bearing installation tooling was presented and several pieces of valuable training literature for each attendee were provided. A Moley representative said that “presenters were very engaging, which resulted in terrific participation from all the attendees.”

The combination of a mobile product demonstrator and a hands-on training vehicle arrived at Moley Magnetics this week.—Moley Magnetics, Inc. photo
The training sessions included topics such as the causes and effects of bearing failures—from typical failures to unusual, more complicated failure situations. During this session other topics covered were proper bearing installation and bearing service, along with the proper bearing lubrication intervals. Also discussed was the importance of determining life expectancy of bearings, and recognizing when improper bearings have been used in a motor, gear reducer, or pump. Proper bearing heating temperatures were covered, along with the various automatic high-tech bearing heaters offered by KOYO and Bartlett Bearing. These heaters are said to be both cost effective and labor saving.
The entire program lasted the better part of the morning, and it “certainly was time well spent”, a Moley staff member told EA via e-mail, saying it was worthwhile training for everyone who deals with rotating electrical and mechanical equipment in their shops.
KOYO is a subsidiary of the JTEKT Corporation, based in Nagoya, Japan.

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