Possible Demolition of Episcopal Church Home (ECH), Buffalo NY
Possible Demolition of Episcopal Church Home (ECH), Buffalo NY | The Episcopal Church Home, represented for most Buffalonians for over a century by the iconic landscape of the Hutchinson Chapel and Thornton Memorial Hall, is under imminent threat of demolition.
The Episcopal Church Home Complex is comprised of five contiguous parcels on 3.5 acres. There are six buildings on site. Two of the structures, Thornton Hall and the Hutchinson Chapel, have been determined to be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. They were designated as local landmarks in 1980. Thornton Hall was built in 1905. The architect was Henry Osgood Holland. The Hall replaced an orphanage on the site that was built in 1866. The Hutchinson Chapel of the Holy Innocents was designed by William Archer and erected in 1895.