Demolition & Reconstruction of St. Petersburgs Pier
Demolition & Reconstruction of St. Petersburgs Pier
A crew from Sonny Glasbrenner Inc., Clearwater, begins to demolish the St. Petersburg Pier on Tuesday. [SCOTT KEELER | Times]
The work marked the beginning of the two-month demolition of the inverted pyramid, which opened in 1973, as well as the start of its $46 million redevelopment as Pier Park. By February, the Pier approach and the Pier head, the area that surrounds the inverted pyramid, will be taken out. In 2010, council members voted for demolition and to build a new Pier, but thousands of petition signers had other ideas. Besides facing a delay, the city has spent about $4 million of its $50 million Pier budget. Of the $46 million that remains, money for construction is set at $33 million. The debris was trucked to demolition contractor Sonny Glasbrenners recycling facility in Clearwater to be sorted and recycled, said Tom Gibson, the citys director of engineering. Kristin Brett, hired by the city to help market the Pier project, said the event will provide an opportunity for people to say goodbye.
Read entire article: http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/no-turning-back-city-begins-demolition-of-the-pier/2241790
For more inform about out the new St. Pete Pier, visit: http://www.newstpetepier.com/