Equipment Spotlight APR 2015 Magnets
Last year, Moley Magnetics Inc. a manufacture of Scrap Yard magnets, Shears and Grapples in Lockport, NY was visiting a customer, Don Smith of Don Smith & Sons Excavating, who was excavating and screening a scrap yard in an effort to recover ferrous and non-ferrous material previously lost underground. At first glance it seemed obvious that Don was making a great financial impact through this effort. While working part time in just one season Don recovered 750 tons of Ferrous and 250 tons of non-ferrous material. This instantly seemed like an opportunity to help all scrap yards ROI by eliminating waste due to lost materials.
Considering there is literally millions of dollars’ worth of ferrous material being driven in the ground by non-concrete scrap yards across the world we thought there had to be a magnetic solution to this problem and from this consideration was born the Moley Claw Magnet. This quick connect capable magnet system is available in hydraulically driven or 24V driven models. This dual purpose Claw magnet has several innovative features including, quick installation, no need for an external generator, fixed mounting and the ability to dig with a magnet! While other only magnets drag across the surface the Claw Magnet with its wrist action and fixed mounting allows the operator to scarify the ground to unearth and remove previously “lost” iron. No other magnet allows a user to accomplish this feat and if you try to recover this metal with a grapple it adds soil to the shipment costing the shipper earnings. Our first client to buy one of these systems earned the cost of the system back in less than six months.
If your scrap yard is on dirt and you want to improve the bottom line by recovering more material please visit, e mail or call us.
Read about the Equipment Spotlight article here: http://americanrecycler.com/8568759/index.php/feature-articles/equipment-spotlight/957-spotlight-415