National Roadway Safety Awards
National Roadway Safety Awards
The Roadway Safety Foundation and the Federal Highway Administration have recognized 10 innovative highway safety projects and program across the U.S. with National Roadway Safety Awards. The road safety audit revealed infrastructure issues and behavioral needs resulting in a bicycle helmet promotion and giveaway where children were fitted for free helmets, a community forum to present the findings to the 3 public and the identification of low-cost maintenance activities such as sidewalk repair and vegetation management to improve the safety of the area. A couple
• Virginia Department of Transportation, Reston, Virginia: In recognition for the agencys Road Diets in Reston projects, which were designed to increase safety by reducing the number of lanes on a 2-mile segment of both Lawyers Road and Soapstone Road.
• Washington State Department of Transportation, Olympia, Washington: In recognition for its 2014 County Safety Program, which requires counties to develop data-driven local road safety plans before they can apply for Highway Safety Improvement Program funding.
The agency provided the counties with training and a summary of data that prioritized crash types, roadway characteristics and conditions in comparison to other counties.
Judges for this year’s program include Cohen; King Gee, director of engineering and technical services, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; Mike Griffith, director, Office of Safety Technologies, FHWA Office of Safety; Peter Kissinger, president & CEO, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety; Bernardo Kleiner, senior program officer and transportation safety specialist, Transportation Research Board; Jennifer Smith, director, Image and Brands, Michelin; Marie B. Walsh, director, Louisiana Local Technical Assistance Program; Terecia Wilson, senior fellow, Clemson University Institute for Global Road Safety and Security.
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